Relationship with Christ

Are You Fasting… For Jesus

A very popular diet right involves fasting, but for Christians are we using the time we fast for Jesus if we say it is for Him?

First, I do want to share that not everyone can fast from food for medical or mental reasons and I think fasting from other things is absolutely okay. It’s a way to deny self in something we do daily, and a way to focus on Jesus.

Which is why I wanted to bring this up. When I started fasting, some days I found myself fasting out of routine and not focusing as much time on Jesus. I like my fasting days to focus more on Jesus as a reminder that what I am fasting from does not compare to what I can receive in Jesus. Fasting from food really kicks in how man cannot live on bread alone (Matt. 4:04). 

I don’t want us to fast and say it’s about Jesus when it isn’t. If we fast and say it is for Jesus, then it needs to be about Jesus. Here are some things we can do to help our fasting focus on Jesus:

  • Reading Scripture – Dive into God’s word. Meditate and think over one scripture or chapter. Pick a scripture to memorize and repeat throughout the day.
  • Listening to Sermons – Here is my playlist Sermons To Grow From of sermons I’ve put together that I’ve enjoyed listening to. Some pastors I enjoy are Pastor Tim Conway and Pastor Paul Washer, they are on the playlist.
  • Listening to Christian Discussions/Messages– These are not sermons but Christan men and women who discuss godly topics and often dive into understanding scripture. My playlist is Messages To Grow From (I have a lot of Melissa Doughtery and Doreen Virtue but I highly suggest Mike Winger, I have a ton of his I want to go through.) 
  • Worship Music
  • Have Sticky Notes of Scriptures Around The Home– These are reminders to meditate on His truth and memorize.
  • Have Sticky Notes of People And Prayer Requests Around The Home– Making a routine of prayer is hard for a lot of people. This is a powerful way to increase our prayer.

Even if we are busy there are ways to incorporate scripture, worship, discussion, and more. Sometimes background noise helps. I’ll listen when doing chores. Driving. Listening with a fellow sister in Christ and discussing after. I’ll draw and paint sometimes while listening to worship music or a sermon.

These suggestions can be done and should be done without fasting as well. But I hope this is an encouragement to draw closer to Jesus and be accountable to our actions. He will help us and He alone is our strength.

(NIV) Exodus 15:02, “The LORD is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.”


What are things you do to draw close to Jesus? 

Monthly Scripture- (NIV) Psalm 85:01, “You, LORD, showed favor to Your land; You restored the fortunes of Jacob.”

Community Prayer Requests | January ’20– Join us in requesting prayer, praying for each other and lifting each other up. 

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Luke 11_39-40, careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy–full of greed and wickedness. Fools! Didn’t God make the inside as well as the outside_.png

11 thoughts on “Are You Fasting… For Jesus

  1. For me it depends on the type of fasting I am doing but normally I would pray/study during the time I would do that activity. If I am skipping meals then at the time I would normally be eating is spent with God. I have even fasted from electronics. That’s tougher than food for me.

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