Bible Study · Relationship with Christ

Vision Boards & What is a Christian Visionary? | Warning

Updated – April 8th, 2022

Answering Criticism On This Post – If you would like a breakdown of vision boards specifically and their various components like affirmations, mantras, positive thinking, its connection to the occult and the New Age etc. – see this post: Vision Board Breakdown: Should Christians Ever Use One? The post you are reading now will cover some basic terms in relation to vision boards, how Christians should look at the future and goal planning. Highly recommend clicking on this link, if you want to know more in-depth what a vision board is, its components, what parts of goal planning are acceptable, and why Christians REALLY need to be careful, that’s why I wrote up the second post.
                     – The criticism I received dealt with people not seeing how serious a vision board is. I knew I needed a second post to answer in-depth what was not covered here. So I dove into the roots of a vision board, what makes up a vision board, and what does not make up a vision board. I then responded to the common criticisms in this post that I received with the information I presented in the second post.   🙂  


I didn’t want to write this post, but I greatly see the need for it. I want you to be well informed, it is crucial that you are. I tried to put decent headers and highlights for my readers who skim. 

With the start of the new year, many people have a lot of goals and things they would like to accomplish, start, and own by the end of the year. I recently saw a video suggestion on creating a vision board. (A physical board with images of things we want to accomplish/have.)

I contemplated making one (not clicking on the video). Within less than 24 hours, however, I saw a Christian woman I respect warn against vision boards and visualization.  This led me to learn about the Law Of Attraction, which is the idea to manifest our own reality through our will. As a Christian, it is why I am discussing the topic today. I didn’t know about this. (For a breakdown on Law of Attraction, please see: What Is Law of Attraction | Bite-Sized)

My hope is that this post helps us all be encouraged to test and question every secular practice that comes into our life, even things we might think are innocent. That we know what the word of God says and can give an answer to everything. 

One of the first things I want to say is I’m not talking about inspiration boards that comprise only of scriptures, quotes, etc. Vision boards are the ones with plans to achieve goals and successes in life with the intention of stopping at nothing until they are achieved. 

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Ignorance Of New Age Teaching In Vision Boards 

A promise that we can manifest and get what we want. Some Christians, like myself, are completely ignorant of this teaching. But I know better now, and I do not want you to be deceived with the roots of this practice. 

Vision– something seen through the powers of the mind (like an idea or concept). Something seen in a spiritual sense (revelation, dream, spirit, etc) 

Visionary– Someone who fantasizes about impractical or imaginary things. Someone who sees the future.

  • In modern society, people who are visionaries are often referred to as those who have plans to accomplish what they desire. People who dream big, and often make good leaders. Some view visionaries as very powerful people.
  • There are Christians who also use the term referring to a leader who can organize, see the big picture, and encourage others to get going for the Kingdom of God. A Christian Visionary will be addressed a little later in the post.

Vision Board– This is a physical board with pictures of things (relationships, jobs, money, etc) people desire to have and want to accomplish. People focus intently looking at the images and try to will themselves to get what they want. This is done through purifying the environment, saying mantras, saying affirmations, making realistic goals, envisioning the future and more.  (To understand mantras, affirmations, and when/what kind of goal planning is acceptable see the second post covering vision boards in-depth.)

The scary part is vision boards can and DO work for people, but please understand it is NOT a godly practice. Getting what we want does not mean it is from God. The roots of a vision board are wicked and evil, coming from the occult. We need to seek Christ and His will in our life over anything else. 

(NIV) Mark 8:36, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”


Demonic Distractions & Legalism 

Satan doesn’t care if we get what we want out of life. All he cares about is that we stay torn away from Christ and the truth that sets us free. If we get “healed” through ungodly ways, if we get what we want through ungodly means, Satan is all for it. He comes to steal, kill, and to destroy.

As long as we burn in Hell, Satan doesn’t care what keeps us there. Be focused on anything else, except the truth of Jesus Christ, how He alone saves, and how He alone needs to be our anchor. Vision Boards can make us feel like we have control over the future. 

Type in “vision board” in the YouTube search bar and see what pops up or “vision board origins” in your search engine. It’s concerning.

One major point I hope you take away from this post is that on the surface, many activities may appear to be okay. A lot of false teaching will appear like the fruit did to Eve, appetizing and attractive to our senses. (2 Corinthians 11:01)

What seems harmless, like making a board of pictures, goals, and desires has some deep roots. It is those roots, I want you to be aware of as a Christian. 

If you would like to understand how legalistic and how binding a vision board can be, how this goes against God’s word, against what Jesus Christ has done, answering criticisms, and what aspects of goal planning ARE ok – please check out my second post on Vision Boards & their breakdown. – Vision Board Breakdown: Should Christians Ever Use One?


The Law Of Attraction is the idea that our thoughts and feelings can manipulate energy and give us what we want. If we think negatively, then bad things happen. If we think positive then good things happen. We essentially have the power to create our own reality or destiny. We can get whatever we want. This same train of thought also leads people to think health problems happen because the individual is at fault.


The World Values Visionaries 

People who are worldly visionaries are focused on self-fulfillment, success, and power. Three traits the world deeply values. Profit, gain, and selfishness. The Law of Attraction is being sold throughout the world, even if people do not know the teaching. Meditate and focus on what you want, and you will get it – this is the Law of Attraction or LOA for short.  

A visionary gets what they want done for themselves. Anything ending in gain. However, the Christian puts the will of God first, even if it goes against everyone else and a profiting plan.

In a way, a Christian visionary can appear to be more impractical than a worldly visionary. We may have a plan but God often changes what we think will happen. Visionaries keep to their plans to achieve their goals. But a Christian visionary follows whatever path God places them on no matter how difficult. A Christian accepts God’s plans are not her plans, and therefore changes may need to happen. Contentment is not found in riches, relationships, or self-fulfillment, but Christ alone.

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In my own personal conviction, I do not like the word visionary. However, I understand godly men and women do use this term. 

With God’s plan, there are no short cuts. If God wants to remove a mountain, He will. But if He wants us to climb up the mountain instead, He will be with us, and we must do what He wants. 

Consider a Biblical Christian Visionary: 

  • focuses on what God wants
  • seeks direction in prayer (Phillippians 4:06
  • is willing to change direction as God’s ways are not man’s ways
  • looks at goals with eternal purposes (2 Corinthians 4:18)
  • reflects the fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, self-control, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, and patience) (Matthew 7:20)
  • does nothing that benefits/serves self-gain but the body of Christ (Phillippians 2:04)
  • actions & plans are to edify, benefit, & encourage the church body giving glory to God (1 Corinthians 14:12)

The Lord does give us the desires of our hearts, but these desires are all focused on an eternal goal, not a temporal one. These desires will have a connection to Jesus, they will be about Christ in some way.  

(NIV) Titus 2:12, “It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age..”

(NIV) 1 Timothy 6:09, “Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.”

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How Should Christians View The Future?

There are scriptures regarding our life and what our “vision” for our life should look like. Note: Through Jesus Christ, we die to our own flesh, and live as He showed us. 


Holding Everything Up In Light Of Scripture

Vision boards and worldly visionaries are only the tip of the iceberg. Scripture says to test everything. Here is what to keep in mind with secular practices:

  • are people drawing closer to Jesus through this?
  • are you seeing fruit of the Holy Spirit being produced?
  • is there anything that promotes self-gain or anything against what Jesus teaches?
  • how do others talk about the topic? what do they promote?
  • look up keywords related to what you are researching. what does scripture say about these words?
  • what do godly people that you trust say about these things?

We can have goals and plans. We can have ideas. It’s possible God changes the paths we think we should be on. Always go to prayer and ask the Lord. There are many beautiful testimonies of God showing others what His plan was for them, despite what they thought. My sister in Christ, Olivia, has a powerful one.

I pray what God taught me and showed me could benefit you, encourage you to know what scripture says and to seek the Lord on these matters and your walk with Him. To God be the glory!


What Is The Law Of Attraction by Got Questions article

*Is The Law of Attraction Biblical by What Christians Want To Know article

The video that ministered to me by Doreen Virtue – Why Christians Should Avoid Vision Boards, Visualization, or Vision Casting. 

More info on Law of Attraction & Word of Faith – The Shocking Truth About The Law Of Attraction & Word Of Faith 

Monthly Scripture- (NIV) Psalm 85:01, “You, LORD, showed favor to Your land; You restored the fortunes of Jacob.”

Community Prayer Requests | January ’20– Join us in requesting prayer, praying for each other and lifting each other up. 

Believer Handbook
Second Blog: Peeking Beneath

Luke 11_39-40, careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy–full of greed and wickedness. Fools! Didn’t God make the inside as well as the outside_.png

54 thoughts on “Vision Boards & What is a Christian Visionary? | Warning

  1. I’ve never liked the idea of creating a vision board for myself because the worldly way of doing it (which is the only way I’ve seen it done thus far) is to make a ton of huge goals for yourself that you WILL achieve no matter WHAT because you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to…! And that is completely outside of following the Lord. When we trust in Him, He guides our desires. Following Him is not about coming up with stuff we want to accomplish, briefly asking for His blessing on the pursuit, and then running off and getting that achieved. When I have gotten caught up in the way the world works, I tried that, and my relationship with Him suffered. Waiting on His timing, allowing Him to lead my pursuits, THAT’S where my relationship with Him flourishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love this!!!!! God has already been putting the topic on my heart before your post. But when I saw your post I felt like God was showing me, again, how I needed to write about it and help people understand we need to be careful. So many people don’t know origins of things and I know God can use us where we are, but I think He calls others to inform. I’m an informer 😅😅😅 and while it isn’t always easy I see the importance.

      Just a few days ago someone I know shared an “inspirational quote” and it litterally, bold print, was the law of attraction. Title and everything about getting what you desire because you seek it and the universe gives it to because of how much you want it. I didn’t know what to do. All I can do is pray.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh ok. Definitely! It’s scary because so many things online look like “awesome” ideas, when actually they’re worldly traps that reel people in to living in a way that does not glorify God. It’s scary. The most innocent looking of things are the sneakiest deceptions.

        Ooh! That’s not good. It’s so hard for me to read stuff like that online, and to hear people trying to apply it to their lives. It’s hard to notice when others are clearly veering off and going a bad route! Same here, prayer is all I can do sometimes.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I completely agree! I really considered making a vision board and within a day God gave me a video that explained the origins! I’m so grateful He did and I hope to keep sharing what He shows me with others who may also not know. It is scary!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen. I myself am a planner but have learned to submit my will and plans to God. While I do have a dry erase board that I put to do lists on or things I would like to accomplish, I do not post pictures of things that I want to see done in my life. Instead, I choose to speak those things that are not as though they were until they are manifested in my life. However, my position is Lord your will be done above mine!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Whoa, I felt like there was something off about the rise of the vision board’s popularity, and I studied The Law of Attraction for a psych class I took, but I had no idea how deep those roots were.
    It’s a lot like the popularity of yoga, people do it because on the outside it seems harmless and good, but when you really think about it you realize how unbiblical the ideals are.
    Great post! It takes a lot of courage to write about these topics. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. T.R., I think you provided a very thoughtful, careful explanation of a topic of which I was completely ignorant! I agree that we must follow God’s leading and hold everything up to the light of Scripture when establishing goals.

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    1. Thank you so much, Meredith! I keep learning about things I had no idea of and I know if I have no idea surely others are like me. I’m grateful for how God pressed the topic on my heart and write it. Praise be to Him 😊

      Yes! Everything should be held in light to God’s word. Something I need to work on doing more of.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Rick and I need exercise, so we signed up at the YMCA for some exercise classes designed for seniors. I have balance issues, so I had been told Yoga would help with that. I never wanted to do Yoga, but we decided to brave it to see what it was like.

    It was weird from the start, but when she started to have us do those positions of what I have seen in pictures of false gods, I could not get out of my mind that what I was seeing in front of me was the image of a false god, so I just couldn’t do it. It was a Christian lady who led the class, so she quoted scripture and she didn’t say anything that was New Age. Mainly I just couldn’t make my body go in shapes of false gods.

    They do have other exercise classes, we just haven’t braved trying another one yet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I remember you telling me and I’m grateful God opened more doors on knowledge about that for me. There are some healthy stretches that do not relate to yoga, that’s what I’m exploring currently. It’s hard to trust people when they think New Age practices are ok as long aswe don’t do certain things.

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  6. Amen! Continue to sound the trumpet sis! I learnt about this evil practice one night while listening to a local ministry programme on the radio at home. I got really concerned and started examining my heart immediately for I want to walk after God in holiness always. I took it to Him and prayer and repented immediately if I were guilty of this wickedness or not. I’m not quick to adapt nor believe every practice or teaching nowadays where God’s word is concerned. I test it and I allow God to do all the leading & directing in my life ONLY for His honor & glory. We need to be very careful. God warned us about this and we must stay sober, vigilant & spiritually awake. God bless!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amen!!! We do need to very careful. So many things in this world look harmless and I know a lot of people, including many churches. want to find a “Christian alternative” to the practice. But we should hold true that whatever the Lord wants done in our life, it will happen. Whatever looks demonic and worships self needs to go. I’ve given up yoga for this reason. Praise be to the Lord God!

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      1. Yup we really need to. And the truth is revealed as you rightly did, we must warn our brothers & sisters. Yup so true, we have conformed to the world too much and our Father is not pleased. We are to be transformed by His Word and abide in it to produce the fruits of His ways that are holy. Amen. That’s right. Yup, learnt about that yoga demon as well, I’ve never liked yoga though and had discerned something off about it, and that was before I came to know Christ. Bless God forever!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I didn’t like the meditations, or being strong in self. I mainly liked the stretches. But then I learned how yoga can be like a Ouija board. People do poses (in shapes of false gods) and that alone can open portals of darkness, whether they believe or not. YIKES! Since then, I’ve worked on trying to find healthy stretches not connected to yoga at all.

        Yes, HE TRULY TRANSFORMS US! And He will warn us and help us discern these things. So grateful He’s shown me the truth, and that He can use me to share these truth with others. 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Yes, and the signs that they did with the fingers and hands, oh my, was very scary and eye opening for I user to be doing those hand signs and didn’t even noticed it was tied to darkness. Yup, there are many other stretches you can do that doesn’t tie to it.

        AMEN! He sure does indeed! 🙂 Amen so true! Bless Him always for that!

        Liked by 2 people

      4. YESSSS! Like the little hand symbol people use for meditation…I learned about that and O.O oh my!

        I’m finding some stretches don’t say they are connected to yoga but are, and that’s the confusing part. Praise the Lord for research!

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Lololol yes when I watched the deeper meaning behind it on a Christian Youtuber channel I was like “my goodness I was a devil worshipper and didn’t know it!!!” truthunedited is the name of the channel.

        Hmmm okay I see, I mean before I exercise I pray for the Lord to have His way and I do normal leg, hands, knee and waist stretches. Some I in cooperated from our home church dance group. Amen indeed!

        Liked by 2 people

      6. I learned from Doreen Virtue on YouTube. She shares a lot of false teaching and what to look out for. Thanks for sharing! It’s awesome people are getting the word out.

        Praying before exercise is a great tip!

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Thanks for sharing this. I always believed it to be New Age. However, just a couple of weeks ago i saw a church on FB had a Christian Vision Board meeting. Just yesterday I told myself I need to make a board to stay focus on some of on these assignments or goals. I totally agree with your assessment.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow!!! Praise Jesus for the timing of this!

      There is a temptation in our society to adapt New Age practices and slap “Christian” in front it. But some things need to be left alone. I’ve stopped doing all yoga for this reason. I had no idea of origins or what people were promoting at the roots of the topic.

      I’m glad this post can encourage Christians to look at the root of things in light of Jesus. Praise be to God!!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I used to be in the new age before finding Christ. The vision board itself becomes an idol, the proverbial golden calf. Plus, surprise surprise, it doesn’t exactly “work.” What works is you putting in the work to meet your goals! Who would have thunk! :-p

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve heard stories of people getting what they want through will manipulation. I had a sister in Christ basically reapond to this, “Wait, witchcraft?!” And then we discussed how some “miracles” aren’t holy if they do not come from Jesus. The magicians in Moses’ time were able to conjure up some of the plagues and that was very real. It’s scary when individuals have this kind of power and deceptive.

      But you’re right, too! It’s really easy to be too symbolic, I’ve have to stop myself analyze. Did this happen because it just so happened or did this happen because x, x, and z.

      It definitely can become a golden calf for sure.

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