Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

We Cannot Be A “Good” Person

What makes someone corrupt and what makes someone not corrupt? Today’s reading shows us just why we need Jesus in our lives, and that by our own merit, we are not good. Several connections to the book of Romans appear today, which I’m excited about, and I hope you enjoy it, too!

Before Continuing, Look Over Today’s Reading In: Psalm 14, 15 

Psalm 14

(Verse 1) A foolish person is described. One who says in his or her heart that God does not exist. This person is corrupt, and if one is corrupt, then that person cannot be good, either. 

(Verses 2-3) God looks down at the people of earth to see if any understand and if they seek God. Alas, no one. All have turned away, and all are corrupt. No one does good, this scripture is referenced in Romans 3:12, as well.

(Verses 4-7) David questions if sinners have any knowledge. He states the godless shame the counsel of the poor, but the Lord is the refuge for the counsel. David says when God brings back the captivity of the people for Jacob and Israel to rejoice.

Psalm 15

(Verses 1-5) David questions who can abide (live) in the Lord’s temple. He then answers and gives us a picture of what a godly person’s character is.

  • Walk uprightly (honest, moral)
  • Do works of righteousness 
  • Speak truth in our heart
  • Do not backbite with our tongue (talk badly about someone behind their back)
  • Do not do evil to our neighbor
  • Do not take reproach against a friend (express disapproval/disappointment)
  • Honor those who fear God
  • Keep our word 
  • Not take money from the poor*
  • Not taking a bribe against the innocent

Those who do these things will not be moved.

Attributes Of God:

  • God looks at the world and sees their deeds (Psalm 14:2)
  • God is with the generation of the righteous (Psalm 14:5)
  • God is refuge to the counsel of the poor (Psalm 14:6)
  • He desires holiness (Psalm 15)
  • He desires righteousness (Psalm 15)

What To Take Away: Both of these chapters can be further explained by reading the book of Romans. We are corrupt from birth, born in sin. The reason is the sin of one man affected many. But the death of One, a righteous act, results in justification of life. (The resurrection of Jesus is our justification, Romans 4:25) It is a free gift to all. (Romans 5:17-21)

We have a choice to receive salvation through believing in Jesus, confessing our sins, and He is faithful and just to forgive our sins of all unrighteousness. We die to our sins and the old man (our flesh, sin, old way of life). We died with Christ, and therefore we can live with Him also. There is a spiritual death that takes place in our lives that has very real results. What happens internally is a transformation from the Holy Spirit. He convicts us. He points to us what is righteousness. We no longer live the way we used to but we live set apart. (Romans 6:08-23, 1 John 1:09)

We are to have eyes focused on eternity and our lives should represent that.


Psalm 15:5 Commentary – The Treasury of David. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2020, from

Monthly Scripture – (NKJ) Psalm 85:05-06, “Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” 

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Luke 11_39-40, careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy–full of greed and wickedness. Fools! Didn’t God make the inside as well as the outside_.png

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