Bible Trivia

How are We Judged?

The scroll fell at his feet. All of his accomplishments. Everything he thought that made him satisfactory. There was another scroll, too. Much longer than the first. All also the work of his hands, mind, soul, and heart. There was no comparison. He was guilty. Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned… Continue reading How are We Judged?

Bible Trivia

Importance of Guarding Our Mind

He knew he should turn the screen off, but the longer he waited, the more tempted he began. The clock ticked away the hours, as his soul consumed darkness. Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned into questions to help us memorize overall context and meditate on scripture. My hope and goal… Continue reading Importance of Guarding Our Mind

Bible Trivia

Prophesied Grace to Come

Do we read the Old Testament with Christ in mind? Do we look into the Old Testament to see how much the Messiah was proclaimed? (See: References To Christ In The Old Testament?) Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned into questions to help us memorize overall context and meditate on scripture. My… Continue reading Prophesied Grace to Come

Bible Trivia

Not Seen But Loved

"You believe in nonsense," he scoffed. "I believe in Someone more solid than your untestable theories," she responded gently. Loving a God we cannot see seems to the secular world something crazy to do. However, as sinners, we put blind faith into so many things. While the Lord may not be physically seen right now,… Continue reading Not Seen But Loved

Bible Trivia

What Do We Rejoice in While We Grieve

"I don't think I'll ever move from this spot," she weakly said while tears streamed down her face. The phone lay on the floor. A call she answered and wished she hadn't. No one enjoys grief or trials leading to sorrow. Yet, despite the pain, we can still find hope in Christ. We can stand… Continue reading What Do We Rejoice in While We Grieve

Bible Trivia

Kept by the Power of God

She followed the rabbit, and before she knew where she was, all time seemed like it had stopped. Often as we study scripture, we run into all sorts of nuggets that can lead us into fun rabbit trails, helping us understand the context better. Questions like: Who is the power of God? What is the… Continue reading Kept by the Power of God