Christian resources

Reiki Energy Healing & Kundalini Yoga (Cultish)

Can we do yoga as Christians? Why should Christians be familiar with the term Kundalini? Today’s recommended video(s) cover these questions and so much more. Typically, I tend to recommend only part 1 of a multi part series. But my first question regarding yoga, part 2 immediately opens up with, and I think the discussion… Continue reading Reiki Energy Healing & Kundalini Yoga (Cultish)

Christian Affirmations

Spiritual Reality & Spiritual Consequences

Fall is here. Halloween prep of spookiness and watching creepy things has begun to get reinforced all around me. The amount of times I have had to shield my eyes from horror movie ads since the start of September is ridiculous. I detest the focus of death, pagan worship, and enticement of spiritual curiosity's of… Continue reading Spiritual Reality & Spiritual Consequences

Life Application (Bible To Life)

Need for the Lord to Open Up Our Eyes

Christ promises that He will not leave us orphans. God will provide everything we need to know through His holy word. But first, our eyes must be opened to the truth of sin, and deity of the God-Man, Jesus the Christ. If you see a life application that interests you, feel free to click it.… Continue reading Need for the Lord to Open Up Our Eyes

Bible Study · Christian Affirmations

Without Excuse (The Truth is Written on Our Heart)

If you’ve been in Christian circles, you most likely have heard the phrase, “The truth is written on your heart.” Well, it’s not just YOUR heart, but mine and everybody else. It’s quite a thought isn’t it? To have the truth on our heart, and we suppress it, the complete opposite of what we should… Continue reading Without Excuse (The Truth is Written on Our Heart)

Christian resources

Halloween & Trunk or Treat Exposed (Doreen Virtue)

Note: As I have shared in the past, I do share multiple people’s views on Halloween. Halloween is a topic that I do think can allow some personal convictions. But I believe there are things we need to consider, to research, and understand; not focused on what the culture says but what God’s word says.… Continue reading Halloween & Trunk or Treat Exposed (Doreen Virtue)

Life Application (Bible To Life) · My Life

Failing At Making Bread | Idol in the Kitchen

In February of this year, I met with some ladies from my church and a dear friend. At some point in our conversation, sourdough starter was brought up. I wanted to try sourdough, but I was not optimistic. My bread making journey had been discouraging. 2020 Spring - With the shelves barer than ever before,… Continue reading Failing At Making Bread | Idol in the Kitchen

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

Not Left as Orphans

What a comfort to know those in Jesus are not left alone! It is crucial we believe in Jesus. One amazing blessing of believing in Christ is to receive the Holy Spirit; and He then helps us discern the things of God, especially the things of Christ. The only way to read scripture well is… Continue reading Not Left as Orphans

Christian resources

Halloween | Pick A Side

Like side dishes? Looking for something specific? When the holidays begin to roll around, I like letting readers know specific topics that have been covered. Halloween is such a massive holiday and I try to dedicate about three months August - October with recommending resources covering topics related to Halloween. Psychics, spirits, witchcraft, experiences people… Continue reading Halloween | Pick A Side

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

Need for the Spirit to Discern Anything

How do we discern spiritual things? How do we know we are correctly discerning? If you haven’t been around, lately on the blog I’ve been covering the foolishnesses of God, and also the importance of understanding our spiritual reality. The two go hand in hand together. (Please see: I Was Created With A Spirit |… Continue reading Need for the Spirit to Discern Anything


Examine My Heart, Lord

Accountability. To be able to admit our weaknesses. To stand in the area we are called and be honest when we fail. To be accountable is basically being responsible. Martha Peace in her book, Attitudes of a Transformed Heart, makes the point that we are obligated to God. As His creation, as His image-bearer, (see:… Continue reading Examine My Heart, Lord