Bible Trivia

Precious Lamb

Behold the Lamb white as snow, wearing a bloody crown of thorns.

Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned into questions to help us memorize overall context and meditate on scripture.

My hope and goal is for the questions to lead to studying and thinking about how can we give a defense for our faith. The richness of the Lord’s word we need to know better. We need to understand how to answer questions better. The posts are meant to be short, and merely leave you with something to think about, and perhaps study.

Answers from 1 Peter 1:19 (NKJV)

We were redeemed with the _1_ blood of Christ. As a lamb without _2_ and without _3_.

1.) Answer: We were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.

2.) Answer: As a lamb without blemish

3.) Answer: and without spot.

(NKJV) 1 Peter 1:19-but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

(ESV) 1 Peter 1:19- but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

Additional Study:

  • Define blemish.
  • Define spot.
  • Define precious.
  • Why is it important Christ be a lamb without spot or blemish?
  • Spiritually, what does it mean to have a spot or blemish, in regards to sin?
  • Why is the blood of Christ precious?

Leviticus 22:20 – You shall not offer anything that has a blemish, for it will not be acceptable for you.

Isaiah 64:06- We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.

Fill in the Blank for This Week from 1 Peter 1:20 (NKJV)

Christ coming as the Savior was _1_ before the _2_ of the _3_.

All scripture is from ESV unless listed.

The Gospel Message– The Gospel message is good news, which means there’s bad news. We all are sinners and condemned. We all deserve the just punishment of God’s wrath. Christianity is unlike any other religion because we cannot earn our way into Heaven. God saw the weakness of man and his utter depravity. Yet, He showed us grace. Jesus, God, One Person of the Trinity, became God in the flesh, the God-Man. He was always perfect and sinless. And His humanity was perfected on the cross, living the full sinless life. He became our atonement sacrifice. Dying in our place, taking on the wrath of God upon Himself. He died on the cross, and He was resurrected because death could not hold Him. Jesus is the answer. We, as guilty sinners, need His blood to pay off our debt of sin. For all who put their faith in Him – meaning eyes are opened to the Gospel, we see ourselves as a sinner, we see the need for Christ, we desire our Savior, and we see the ugliness of our sin. Putting our faith in Jesus, we seek HIs forgiveness and repent from our sins, we turn away from our old way of life. We, through the work of the Holy Spirit, continue to become convicted of sin daily. Our eyes will never be the same again. We see things in a different light, and the truth of Christ affects how we live and serve Him. Christ tells us to count the cost. Salvation is a serious topic, it is not to be taken lightly. For a breakdown of this powerful message, understanding how Christ could be God and Man, why God required sacrifices, and more -please see: Why Did A Loving God Kill His Son? (Does God Hate?)

If you think you know the Gospel, check out these questions and see how prepared you are for the day someone might ask you why you believe: The Gospel Challenge (30 Question Quiz) – Are You Ready To Defend Your Faith?

Scripture To Meditate On (ESV) Psalm 56:08 – You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?

Prayer Requests – Community Prayer for 2024

Christian Topics/Series Covered
Personal Blog: Peeking Beneath
Second Blog: UnAshamed Christian Housewife
Godly Men & Women I Recommend: Link To List
Resources For False Teaching: Recommended Websites For False Teachers/Teaching 
Video Playlist: Christian Questions, Topics, False Teachers, Insights 
Video Playlist: New Christian Believer 
Video Playlist: Understanding False Teachings
Video Playlist: Sermons To Grow From
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COMMENT RULES– Rules For Comments (Why Some May Not Appear)

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