Christian resources · Christian women

What Sort of New Year’s Resolution Should the Christian Make (Got Questions) & Taking Break

Want conviction for making goals for the next year? Want some practical advice Christians should consider? 😉 You came to the right place. I will be taking a break from the blog and return on January 3rd. But before my break, I want to recommend a really short video covering New Year’s resolutions. It’s less… Continue reading What Sort of New Year’s Resolution Should the Christian Make (Got Questions) & Taking Break

Bible Study · Deep Dive Studies

Christ: The Hope of Glory

I have to admit something to you. I struggle having eyes focused on eternity every moment of every day. Often, I find myself just living the moment for right now. However, we are given so much more than today’s moment. For those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ, my dear sister, there is… Continue reading Christ: The Hope of Glory

Bible Study

The Lovingkindness of God, Loved by God (R. C. Sproul)

The Lord keeps His word even in a dark and sinful world. What does lovingkindness mean and how we can learn from it? In today’s video pick, R. C. Sproul breaks down the word lovingkindness. He goes over the story of Hosea and how the names of Hosea’s children relate to what was happening with… Continue reading The Lovingkindness of God, Loved by God (R. C. Sproul)

Bible Study · Christian resources · Mysticism/Occult

God Didn’t Say That (Reformed Wiki)

I had a warm feeling and I knew it was God. This used to be my thinking. I used to promote hearing the Lord on my blog, and I no longer do. Truth is I was deceived. I thought I was spiritually mature and I “heard” the Lord, when I didn’t. I twisted my feelings… Continue reading God Didn’t Say That (Reformed Wiki)

Bible Study · Deep Dive Studies

Christ: The Mystery of God

For the longest time, I had no idea what the mystery of God was. I thought the mystery of God related to the end times. Knowing what I know now, I can say, yes, there is a part of the end times that is related to the mystery of God. However, we do not have… Continue reading Christ: The Mystery of God

Christian resources

Horus Ruins Christmas (Answers the Question: Is Christmas Pagan?) | Lutheran Satire

Typically, I don’t share a lot of satire, though I love it, on this blog. But I thought, “Hey, this is the week I like to share some Christian Apologetics, if possible, and today’s video pick is perfect.” If you are not familiar with Lutheran Satire, what have you been watching, Patrick? 😂 (If you… Continue reading Horus Ruins Christmas (Answers the Question: Is Christmas Pagan?) | Lutheran Satire


Little Clarification for Today’s Post on 5 Fold Ministry

Hey all, just wanted to let you know I have added some clarity to today’s post. 5 fold ministry relates to the roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. It is a topic people can be divided on. Why Talk About The Hard Topics? One reason I introduce videos that can cover issues like… Continue reading Little Clarification for Today’s Post on 5 Fold Ministry

Bible Study · Christian resources

Is Five-Fold Ministry for Today? | Longfortruth

The five-fold ministry refers to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Which leads into today’s question - do we have apostles for today? How were Biblical apostles defined? What problems do we see in the NAR (New Apostlstic Reformation) that promote today’s apostles? How is pride encouraged through NAR messages? If you are interested and… Continue reading Is Five-Fold Ministry for Today? | Longfortruth

Christian resources

Christmas | Pick A Side

Christmas is in the air. Baby Jesus, Santa Claus, the Gospel, gifts, traditions… the list goes on. Through the years, I’ve worked on tackling different subjects relating to Christmas. Some have since been privated, I need to edit them a little better. But there are many I still have available that you can check out.… Continue reading Christmas | Pick A Side

Bible Study

5 Scriptures To Meditate On This Month | The Gospel

Christmas is coming. What a beautiful season to reflect on scripture. I thought for December I would look at verses referring to the Gospel. At the bottom of the post, I will have more of an explanation defining the Gospel in-depth, as we never want to brush away the Gospel or water the Gospel down.… Continue reading 5 Scriptures To Meditate On This Month | The Gospel