Christian Affirmations · Life Application (Bible To Life)

I Was Created With A Spirit | Christian Affirmations

How often do you read scripture and think, “Man, I need to apply scriptural truth to my life more.” Well, welcome to my brain. Lately, a prickling conviction I’ve had is that I need to become more aware of how everything around me, everything I do, what I think, etc, has some spiritual ties. Slams… Continue reading I Was Created With A Spirit | Christian Affirmations

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

Blessed are Those in Trials

Wandering through some comments on a Sourdough group I follow, I noticed someone share her discouragement about her sourdough not going the way she desired. She turned her post positive by sharing 1 Peter 1:06 (listed below) and connected going through trials with her sourdough. While I truly appreciate and agree that the Lord uses… Continue reading Blessed are Those in Trials

My Life

Taking Break for Week

Hey all! As I try to do when certain holidays come up in the family, I will have a week off from posting and will resume on the 27th of August. I hope you all have been able to enjoy the summer that seems to quickly pass moreso than the previous year. Despite hardships or… Continue reading Taking Break for Week

Mysticism/Occult · Prayer

Why “Contemplative Prayer” is dangerous New Age Mystical Practice (Doreen Virtue, Pastor Quintana)

A few years ago, I did a major series on Contemplative Prayer. Basically, it’s a form of Christian Mysticism. Seeking the Lord in ways that He does not tell us in scripture. Seeking ways revolving around the occult, signs, symbols, all of that. Truly, Contemplative Prayer is easy to do IF you are not familiar… Continue reading Why “Contemplative Prayer” is dangerous New Age Mystical Practice (Doreen Virtue, Pastor Quintana)

Christian Poetry/Flash Fiction

Old Woman in the Mirror

Stuck inside my head.I think I know what I’m doing. Immediately the wounds erupt. I see what’s uncovered. I feel the air.Pain thought forgotten, but it’s always been there.Darkness pulling and yearning. Pride screams and criesit’s not enough. Always eager for the next adventureyet lamenting before anything’s begun. Struggling and turning inwardfinding and seeking affirmation,… Continue reading Old Woman in the Mirror

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

The Gospel is the Power of God

To be ashamed of Christ, to believe we’ve done something wrong, and therefore we hide the Gospel, truly the act is utterly shameful. Desiring to keep Christ to ourselves in private, and not risk how others would perceive us, is shameful. Christ Who was stripped of His clothes, beaten, mocked, nails hammered into His body,… Continue reading The Gospel is the Power of God

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

Helmet of Salvation | Christ’s Connection to Armor of God

Helmet of Salvation  Note that the helmet protects the brain, our mind. The Christian must be accountable to the state of her mind. Romans 12:02 says – Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is… Continue reading Helmet of Salvation | Christ’s Connection to Armor of God

Life Application (Bible To Life) · Prayer

Anchor Me in the Gospel | Prayer

Growing up, I thought the Gospel was a “surface topic.” I thought discussing the Gospel was light and it wasn’t deep. You may not be surprised then when I share that I did not understand grace very well. I looked down on Jesus, and looked up at the Holy Spirit. Not shockingly, I struggled with… Continue reading Anchor Me in the Gospel | Prayer

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

How the Gospel Helps Us in Trials

How we live our lives matters. When we make even the smallest of choices are we reflecting upon what it means to give God the glory? It isn’t the norm to keep the Gospel in front of us because our sinful nature naturally wants to focus on ourselves. But for those in Christ, we are… Continue reading How the Gospel Helps Us in Trials

Bible Study

Bible Trivia (1) | 1 Peter

Welcome to another new series! For the past few months, I’ve been going over scripture and turning the main ideas from a verse into a question to help me memorize main ideas better. I have a decent set of index cards now and thought it might be helpful to share the questions (essentially Bible trivia)… Continue reading Bible Trivia (1) | 1 Peter