Bible Trivia


He was confused. As hidden fear exposed itself in his voice, he asked. "What must I do to be born-again?" Can we answer, "What does it mean to be born-again?" I recommend reading Ch. 3 from the book of John to get you started, in fact, read the whole book of John for clarity. Today's… Continue reading Born-Again

Life Application (Bible To Life)

The Curse of Accomplishments

So intent on work, the hours flew by, one by one. Morning sun became warm in the afternoon, until the first star twinkled. Dew had fallen and it was almost morning again. Recently a friend of mine brought up the topic of hyper-focus. Both a positive and a negative, hyper-focus allows one to focus completely… Continue reading The Curse of Accomplishments

Christian Blogger Stuff

Making Friends & Holey Theology | What I Learned in 2018

You wouldn't think having a Christian blog could impact YOU in so many ways. Typing away and looking at a screen, you don't think about the real people and relationships you could be impacting. You don't think about how those relationships could impact you. At least, I didn't use to. Now, I do. Take a… Continue reading Making Friends & Holey Theology | What I Learned in 2018

Bible Trivia

Purpose of the Elect

If you want some heated discussions, bring up the topic of the "elect" and see what you find. Thankfully (for today), I have no intentions of starting fires. Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned into questions to help us memorize overall context and meditate on scripture. My hope and goal is… Continue reading Purpose of the Elect

Christian Blogger Stuff

Taking the Plunge | What I Learned in 2016-2017

Taking a deep breath, I decided in February 2016 to take the plunge and create a blog on WordPress. I was terrified, and I wouldn't actually publish my first post until June of 2016. WordPress was not my first attempt at a blog, but WordPress was my first attempt at a bigger platform. I would… Continue reading Taking the Plunge | What I Learned in 2016-2017

Bible Trivia

Who are the Pilgrims of the Dispersion?

Scripture refers to those who are followers of Christ as sojourners and exiles. Something to think about when we look at the five different pilgrims Peter brings up in the introductory of his letter in 1 Peter. Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned into questions to help us memorize overall… Continue reading Who are the Pilgrims of the Dispersion?

Bible Study · My Life · Mysticism/Occult · Prayer

Thinking About Prayer Wrong – Control

"I don't know how to pray." "I don't need to pray for anything." "I'm afraid to pray. I might do it wrong." Have you heard any of these statements before or perhaps you have thought some of them yourself. The topic of prayer and God's will has often come up in various discussions I've had… Continue reading Thinking About Prayer Wrong – Control

Life Application (Bible To Life)

What Wars Against the Soul

Everything has a connection to spiritual warfare, it just doesn't mean a boogeyman is behind every counter. We have a lot of responsibility and accountability to what happens in our life, and our soul. Yesterday, I finally published the answers to the Bible Trivia questions I posed in August 2023. One of the questions had… Continue reading What Wars Against the Soul

Bible Trivia

How are We to Act | Bible Trivia from 1 Peter

Looks at calendar.... I planned on this being a weekly series but then... I posted it once and never posted the answers. Ahem. Sips from the cup of ambition. I really wanted to post multiple questions at once, but I think it may be better to do (mostly) one question at a time. As I… Continue reading How are We to Act | Bible Trivia from 1 Peter

Christian resources

Pick A Side – New Year Edition

The confetti is in the air! (Well, symbolically, cause I'm not cleaning up that mess.) I do not have as many "New Year" themed posts, but I do have some. When I think of the New Year, I think of change, goals, habits, schedules, and that makes me also think of New Age practices like… Continue reading Pick A Side – New Year Edition