Life Application (Bible To Life)

In What Ways Is God Faithful? | Promises for the Christian

“I just don’t know what promises God has for me,” she shook her head. “How often do you read the Bible,” her friend asked. “Mostly when I attend church,” she replied. Her friend frowned. “Yeah, you might want to change your habit to daily reading.” I wrote today’s post in the summer of 2022 because… Continue reading In What Ways Is God Faithful? | Promises for the Christian

Bible Study

Holy Conduct

Oddly enough in the Christian faith, people can become divided on the topic of holiness. Instead of holiness becoming a way we show obedience and honor to God, holiness gets twisted into a way to save ourselves, by becoming our own savior, a futile effort. But there are correct ways to look at holiness. Today’s… Continue reading Holy Conduct

false teaching · Mysticism/Occult

Brother Lawrence Dangerous Contemplative Mysticism Warnings / The Chosen / Joni Eareckson Tada (Doreen Virtue)

Sighing she turned off her computer screen. Another one of her favorite teachers had started to show signs of falling away. "Lord," she prayed, "please open their eyes to the danger." I want to open today's post by stating, like Doreen, I so care for Joni Eareckson. I have benefited from her testimony and her… Continue reading Brother Lawrence Dangerous Contemplative Mysticism Warnings / The Chosen / Joni Eareckson Tada (Doreen Virtue)

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

Putting Spiritual Warfare Into Perspective | Our Responsibility

Stunned, she asked, "You mean I do have a role to play? I'm not completely helpless?" When we look at the term, "Spiritual Warfare," we easily can feel overwhelmed. But while there are areas in our life we cannot control at all, there are many parts of our life we do have a role in.… Continue reading Putting Spiritual Warfare Into Perspective | Our Responsibility

false teaching · Mysticism/Occult

False Teachers Are Like Abusers & My Own Recanting

Leaving the church behind her, fists shook at her side. Nobody listened to her concerns. Nobody seemed to care that all she wanted to do was talk about the truth of scripture. Words like hypocrite and Pharisee rang in her ears. The shepherd she thought was her pastor turned out to be wolf, and the… Continue reading False Teachers Are Like Abusers & My Own Recanting

Bible Trivia

Not Conformed By the Past

Years had gone by, and she knew she was free in Christ. Yet, in the shadows of her mind, old temptations lurked. But Christ was her strength, and she knew in Him, she would continue to overcome and never return to the past. Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned into questions… Continue reading Not Conformed By the Past

Life Application (Bible To Life) · motivation

Hamster Wheel vs. the Gear

"I feel like a hamster on a wheel," she said sadly. "Forever moving, and yet going nowhere." "What would you prefer to be instead," her teacher asked. "I think," she said thoughtfully, "I'd like to be a gear on a machine. To have a purpose that is productive and affects others positively." "Who is the… Continue reading Hamster Wheel vs. the Gear

Christian Poetry/Flash Fiction

Mourning the Living

Morning by morningthe fields grow. Evening by eveningthe blooms show. Slowly, yet steadily,decay sets in.Slowly, and progressing,the reality of sin. How quick and howbeautifulthe flower grows and blooms.How quick and howdarkeninglife fades into doom. Oh, howthe child laughsaround the deatharound him. Innocently, unaware, of the death realityLiving in him. Oh, how the young manthinks he… Continue reading Mourning the Living

Life Application (Bible To Life)

Being a Living Sacrifice in a Busy Life

Finishing the hymn, they sat back down, and awaited the pastor to preach. Reaching for her Bible, the young woman flipped to where the pastor would be reading. She wondered, "Is this all there is to worship? Is it just singing?" Author's Note: I wrote today's featured post during a time I attempted to do… Continue reading Being a Living Sacrifice in a Busy Life

Bible Trivia

Importance of Guarding Our Mind

He knew he should turn the screen off, but the longer he waited, the more tempted he began. The clock ticked away the hours, as his soul consumed darkness. Bible Trivia is a series in which scripture verses are turned into questions to help us memorize overall context and meditate on scripture. My hope and goal… Continue reading Importance of Guarding Our Mind