Bible Study

The Past Month has Been A Lot

One thing I wanted to strive for this year in regards to the blog is that I may get ahead in the blogging schedule. I’ve not been able to keep a steady two months, as I would have liked, but I have been able to keep a fairly consistent month of being ahead of schedule.

Recap of Some of the Latest Projects that have Ended & Started

A few series/selections have gotten wrapped up. All of the spiritual warfare Short-Answers have been made available. I finished chapter 1 questions for Bible Trivia in 1 Peter. Both have taken several months to reach this point, but I’m grateful for all I have learned through the process.

As some things come to close, others begin or continue. Ch. 3 questions of 1 Peter will be starting in Bible Trivia.

I am excited to finally share the current deep-dive study for the summer, which answers the questions, What Does It Mean to Walk by the Way of the Spirit & How Do We Have Eyes on Eternity? Since the topic is massive, and I’m not planning at this time to make the material into a book, I am breaking down the main topics into easier to read posts. Thankfully, breaking down the main topic into a post series allows me more time to study. Each topic stands on its own, so you do not need to read in order or read every post. But if you want a further understanding of how the topics link together, definitely follow the series. 1. Sin is At the Door | Walking by the Way of the Spirit (Intro) and 2. Yoke of Christ have been published so far.

In other news, I am sharing a book review on the blog.

Since last year, I’ve talked to just a few about how I want to do a deep-dive book review on Rick Warren’s, Purpose Driven Life. From age 13/14 onward, Purpose Driven was my favorite book until just a few years ago. This past Thursday, I published the first post introducing the series. (See: Purpose Driven Life | Red Flags in Dedication)

Let me tell you, I did not think it would be exhausting to go over just a few pages of a chapter, BUT IT WAS! The main issue, especially from Ch. 1, has to do with translation choices like the MSG (The Message), which I address in the Dedication post. The majority of Ch. 1’s review has to do with scripture twisting, so look forward to that, which will be on July 11th. Currently, I am working on Ch. 2, and hoping to have it ready for August. Lord willing, I plan to aim for one chapter review once a month until October or December.


Over a month ago, there was some family stuff I attended, which I am grateful I was able to be there. The Lord knows the details, so asking prayers for the situation and those involved.

Shortly after returning home, I had some downtime, and then immediately dived into prepping not one but two gardens for the summer. A friend from church is sharing her space with me. I’ve had issues many years with chipmunks, the past year and half squirrels have entered the picture, and last summer was yellow jackets. So, I was appreciative of the opportunity to avoid those potential problems, and possibly encounter new ones this summer. I learned how to garden in raised beds, which is a little different than container gardening due to the bigger space. Planted in rows for the first time. A lot of work, but not difficult, it’s been a blessing to spend time with a sister in Christ.

The second garden is my own, and I’m still stunned it’s only been two weeks since I got the balcony situated. Mostly doing flowers this year, but tried out one of those plant stacker/towers, where you can plant multiple plants together. Actually got to eat my own strawberries! I still noticed some chipmunk activity, but since I don’t have vegetables or other food, aside from one pepper plant, and two strawberry plants (that are in little organza baggies to protect them) there isn’t much they can chew. The issue is just them digging up stuff, and they always dig right beside the plant. Easy fix, and I do have hardware cloth (which is wire, not a fabric) I can lay down.

All in all, it’s been quite a busy month, and yet it feels longer. I’ve thankful for all the productivity the Lord has allowed me to partake of. Continued learning of balancing chores, routines, studies, and blog related studies.

Here’s to the rest of the summer!

~T. R. Noble

The Gospel Message– The Gospel message is good news, which means there’s bad news. We all are sinners and condemned. We all deserve the just punishment of God’s wrath. Christianity is unlike any other religion because we cannot earn our way into Heaven. God saw the weakness of man and his utter depravity. Yet, He showed us grace. Jesus, God, One Person of the Trinity, became God in the flesh, the God-Man. He was always perfect and sinless. And His humanity was perfected on the cross, living the full sinless life. He became our atonement sacrifice. Dying in our place, taking on the wrath of God upon Himself. He died on the cross, and He was resurrected because death could not hold Him. Jesus is the answer. We, as guilty sinners, need His blood to pay off our debt of sin. For all who put their faith in Him – meaning eyes are opened to the Gospel, we see ourselves as a sinner, we see the need for Christ, we desire our Savior, and we see the ugliness of our sin. Putting our faith in Jesus, we seek HIs forgiveness and repent from our sins, we turn away from our old way of life. We, through the work of the Holy Spirit, continue to become convicted of sin daily. Our eyes will never be the same again. We see things in a different light, and the truth of Christ affects how we live and serve Him. Christ tells us to count the cost. Salvation is a serious topic, it is not to be taken lightly. For a breakdown of this powerful message, understanding how Christ could be God and Man, why God required sacrifices, and more -please see: Why Did A Loving God Kill His Son? (Does God Hate?)

If you think you know the Gospel, check out these questions and see how prepared you are for the day someone might ask you why you believe: The Gospel Challenge (30 Question Quiz) – Are You Ready To Defend Your Faith?

Scripture To Meditate On  (ESV) Psalm 143:08- Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Prayer Requests – Community Prayer for 2024

Christian Topics/Series Covered
Personal Blog: Peeking Beneath
Second Blog: UnAshamed Christian Housewife
Godly Men & Women I Recommend: Link To List
Resources For False Teaching: Recommended Websites For False Teachers/Teaching 
Video Playlist: Christian Questions, Topics, False Teachers, Insights 
Video Playlist: New Christian Believer 
Video Playlist: Understanding False Teachings
Video Playlist: Sermons To Grow From
Social: TwitterInstagramFacebook
COMMENT RULES– Rules For Comments (Why Some May Not Appear)

4 thoughts on “The Past Month has Been A Lot

  1. Congratulations on all your accomplishments T.R.! Keep after it sister! Your review or Rick Warren’s book will be great. Unfortunately, it is a disastrous book that keeps on deceiving.

    The Message paraphrase is atrocious and should be avoided.

    “The claims of the publisher are misleading at best. They never mention that it is a paraphrase and not a translation, and a very free paraphrase without a doubt.”

    God bless you sister! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, all by the grace of the Lord!!!

      You won’t be surprised to hear Ch. 1 took multiple days and weeks to dig through because the MSG translations really distracted from the main meaning. So far Ch. 2 is a little easier. I believe other teachers have mentioned there are parts that are absolutely true in Purpose Driven, but the main issue isn’t what is true but what isn’t true and what is missing. I’ve seen a lot of talk about God, but not Jesus specific. I’ve heard from sound teachers the Gospel isn’t presented, so I’m hoping to add questions as I go through the book in relation to the Gospel, to help readers, especially women, know what to look out for, and what specifics should we ask as we go about reading books claimed to be Christian.

      Thanks for the resources!!! May God be with you and may the Lord strengthen you!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “I believe other teachers have mentioned there are parts that are absolutely true in Purpose Driven, but the main issue isn’t what is true but what isn’t true and what is missing. I’ve seen a lot of talk about God, but not Jesus specific. I’ve heard from sound teachers the Gospel isn’t presented,”

        Spot on analysis. I think Challies had a good review back in 2004 although I might not agree 100% with everything written. It is a good review.

        Liked by 1 person

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