
Why American Christians Struggle

"Why do we have to go through trials?" she wondered. "If God is so loving, I shouldn't have to face any difficulty." When it comes to Christians and accountability, we can really struggle. We don't want to look inward, even though the problem (sin) is an inward, spiritual issue. Christ is the solution. I wrote… Continue reading Why American Christians Struggle

Bible Study

How is Faith Tested

In the darkened pit, she saw nothing, but felt terror. Only until she looked straight above her did she see a bright light. A light the cause of her terror was even afraid of. Right in the moment, it's pretty hard to see how anything good can come from pain. Often trials are the only… Continue reading How is Faith Tested

Bible Trivia

What Do We Rejoice in While We Grieve

"I don't think I'll ever move from this spot," she weakly said while tears streamed down her face. The phone lay on the floor. A call she answered and wished she hadn't. No one enjoys grief or trials leading to sorrow. Yet, despite the pain, we can still find hope in Christ. We can stand… Continue reading What Do We Rejoice in While We Grieve

Bible Study · Life Application (Bible To Life)

How the Gospel Helps Us in Trials

How we live our lives matters. When we make even the smallest of choices are we reflecting upon what it means to give God the glory? It isn’t the norm to keep the Gospel in front of us because our sinful nature naturally wants to focus on ourselves. But for those in Christ, we are… Continue reading How the Gospel Helps Us in Trials

Life Application (Bible To Life)

Importance of Praying & Asking Help for Our Sins

We can never pray enough. There will never be a time in which we run out of things to pray for and praise God for. Psalm 40:11-13 says - As for you, O LORD, you will not restrain your mercy from me; your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me! For evils have… Continue reading Importance of Praying & Asking Help for Our Sins

Bible Study

5 Scriptures to Meditate On | Trials

“When trials come, no longer fear, for in the pain our God draws near, to fire a faith more worth than gold. And there His faithfulness is told.” - Kristen Getty, When Trials Come Trials are used to help us turn our gaze to God instead of ourselves. If we had it our way, we… Continue reading 5 Scriptures to Meditate On | Trials

Life Application (Bible To Life) · Relationship with Christ

One Reason Why American Christians Are Struggling So Badly

There are a lot of how-to books out there and cutesy devotionals for women. We are given drips of water to partake of, if that. We are a glutton in America, and yet starve for spiritual truth. Why? Recently, I’ve spoken to a handful of Christian women, and we’ve covered topics of what it means… Continue reading One Reason Why American Christians Are Struggling So Badly

Christian Poetry/Flash Fiction

The Hand That Chisels

In joy, the sun-kissed skies dance along the waves of grass. I am free, as the wind blows. The days are short and pass. In darkness, the rain weeps down.Loudly pounding the ground.I am chained and broken.The days are long and nights longer. In bliss, I am merry. In darkness, I am consumed. In light,… Continue reading The Hand That Chisels

Christian resources

Sunshine In The Heart (Charles Spurgeon)

Spurgeon is one of my favorite Reformers. He has a ton of powerful quotes, and more importantly, they give glory and credit to God. Listening to this one was definitely a blessing in timing. Spurgeon makes the point that the spirit God places within us delights in Him. The human nature is what struggles to… Continue reading Sunshine In The Heart (Charles Spurgeon)

Christian Poetry/Flash Fiction

Cotton Candy Life | Christian Poem

Oh, how I long for the good days! Frolicking in the meadows. Where sunsets are always golden. Air scented with lilac petals. How I wish for lovely feelings and no pain to come nearby.Everything goes right around me.There are no tears or heavy sighs. A cotton candy life. Yes, please, I am so fragile. I… Continue reading Cotton Candy Life | Christian Poem