Christian Blogger Stuff

5 Things We Need To Stop Doing To Other Bloggers

Updated: January 27th, 2023edited a few lines, added some notes for where I am now as a blogger, and how I’ve changed some of my views on these points. 

We shouldn’t be a stumbling block, but we’re not perfect. It is important we are aware of what we are saying and doing especially in how we reach out to others

The world encourages us as bloggers to be focused often on the wrong things and Christian bloggers follow advice that is not Christlike.

This post had a few revisions before it was published and still now. I’m not trying to make any assumptions about Christian bloggers in general. I’m sharing from experience and what other Christian bloggers have shared and admitted. We always can grow. 🙂

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1. (Always) Telling Them To Go To Our Blog- I think it’s something newer bloggers are encouraged to do, and newer Christian bloggers are no exception. Views, follows, and comments are a huge temptation. But it is important we do not do this.

It can look shallow when on a post that someone took time to write all we comment about is ourselves. It easily can look like we are trying to steal the spotlight. We need to reflect Christ in all ways. Focus on the post and comment about the post. If we have a similar post we want to share because that blogger may like it, that’s okay. But leave it at the bottom of the comment. Remember it needs to be about others before ourselves.

Some comments can add the pressure/guilt of checking out a blog by using the assumption the blogger is already reading their blog. Example, “I really like this post… and I’m so glad you read mine…” 

It’s not fair to try to assume and potentially guilt someone into reading our blog.

2. Don’t Pressure– As a Christian blogger, we should continue to encourage Christian bloggers to write about topics Christians and nonbelievers need to read. But we need to make sure we are not only focused on posts someone writes that benefits us. For example, if we were trying to fill a box with recipe cards, someone posting recipes would be a great interest to us. Constantly telling them, “Keep doing this,” because we want them to for our own interest is not good. Updated Note: 2023 – Compliments are wonderful. The Gospel is a topic we ALL need 24/7. Let the blogger know WHY you really like a particular post.  Honestly, some pressure and encouragement is great. 

It potentially puts pressure on a blogger to continue these kinds of posts just because we like them. I’ve seen bloggers get burnt out doing the same series and type of posts just because their audience desires it. Telling someone why we enjoy a post is wonderful 🙂 We just need to make sure we aren’t making a blogger feel like we are only coming to them for specific posts and pressuring them to write on those specific things.

Note for bloggers (2023) – So here’s the thing, people WILL sometimes come to your blog only for one or two type of posts. IF you get burnt out, tired, of a series, you very well may lose people. If you change your theology, in 2020 I changed my theology (see: I Am So Sorry! | Why I Am Privating A Lot Of Old Posts. I call out more false teaching now, and people don’t like that, understandably. I had a series where I spotlighted other bloggers and I was burnt out, plus people were only coming to my blog for that. When I stopped, other bloggers somehow were under the impression that was the majority of what my blog was about…I only did it once a month. Sometimes you might want to cut a series because it shadows scripture and puts the wrong things or people in the spotlight. I Am Not Going To Continue The Community Spotlight

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3. Over Complimenting– Comments that only compliment and not focus on the post makes me uncomfortable and suspicious. As a Christian blogger, we should encourage others. But saturating our response to perhaps make people like us, go to our blog, or whatever else is not how we need to uplift others.

Responses/Comments should always focus on the topic the post covered.

Example – if you go through 30 blog posts and just say great, while it’s nice, it doesn’t let the blogger know what stood out to you. If you do think a post is great, give the blogger a sentence or two of what you liked. You don’t have to write out long comments….if you don’t want to, that is.

4. Not Reaching Out Enough/Taking Readers For Granted– I know it is not possible for us to all stay up to date daily with everyone’s posts. I am the first to say I’m not daily up to date anymore. It takes me time to make rounds with everyone.

But I caution us to not take for granted our readers and commenters.  

*Reading one post a week from a blogger who comments is still better than none. Or a handful of posts in a month is better than none. And our feedback, too, is important. We need to try to give more than we take. 

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Sometimes bloggers are tempted to only reach out to their consistent commenters after the comments have stopped, and that’s a little disheartening especially if the main reason we’re checking up is hoping they will comment again.

This is not meant to pressure you to read more, only encourage you to remember to keep reaching out. 🙂

Note 2023 – I honestly got burnt out from commenting and reading so much. Yes, my comments have dwindled, but I am not writing for comments. I feel a lot more free! I am on the hunt for blogs I do want to invest my time in, however. So my new piece of advice would be find a few solid blogs you really want to invest in. For me, I want SOLID theology. I don’t want watered-down material. I’m struggling to find even a handful of blogs. Plus, as each year goes by, I’ve lost the bloggers I really connected to. Blogging will change for writers. Most of the people I used to comment and read do not blog anymore. (I started in 2016, to give an idea).

5. Not Keeping Our Word– Still applies in the blogging world. Collabs. Doing something outside of blogging. Etc. In the same way, we may make “promises” or “suggestions” to others outside the screen, we can’t take them lightly just because we mentioned it in a comment, message, or email.

Be careful not to “ghost” or disappear from talking to someone. Communicate. If we aren’t able to do something, it’s important we let that person know. That’s all we have to do.

Leaving people in the dark may stumble them. We don’t know how our actions will affect someone. We’re going to make mistakes and not be perfect. But scripture encourages us to make amends and be at peace with everyone if possible.

*if it is an unsafe environment or unsafe for you to continue that’s different. 

*if you are reading this bullet point I’ve edited the post a few times by now and I hope this post sounds more encouraging 🙂 

What are things you used to do as a Christan blogger and have learned/worked on not doing?

And Remember...Be The Salt Of The earthAnd The Light On The HillWe Are His Branches1

Monthly Scripture, (NIV) John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

*** Community Prayers | November ’18 – Join Me In Praying For Each Other And If You Have A Request To Add Let Me Know.

Help For Christian Bloggers- Christian Blogging 101/Help 
General Help For Blogging- Blogging 101 

Second Blog: Peeking Beneath

Social- Twitter: T. R. Noble   Instagram: Noblewriter77  Facebook Page: T. R. Noble   Pinterest: TRNoble77  YouTube: T. R. Noble

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72 thoughts on “5 Things We Need To Stop Doing To Other Bloggers

  1. “We need to try to give more than we take.”
    This was such a good exhortation for me, T.R.! It has given me a better mindset from which to invest further into the blogging community. Thank you for reminding me to be like Christ! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Again, you just said all the things I’ve thought of that I thought nobody else was thinking. Hallelujah someone else relates. It is definitely super hard to read and keep up with everybody’s blogs, so I usually just go on reading sprees if I’ve taken a break (like now I’ve been on catch up bahaha).

    I actually am that person who usually likes a post before I read it. And then if I feel compelled to comment I comment. I think we can all work on being more authentic in supporting one another (I definitely can, haha). Thank you for being such a genuine blogger in this community! I really wish it was easier to be able to do something we are passionate about without the comparison, especially as someone who blogs once a week which isn’t as regular as most people. Blogging should never become a burden either way. It’s such an amazing platform and should never be taken for granted!

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    1. So glad this spoke to you and you were understanding what I was saying. It is comforting when someone else is like, “I thought the same things!” 🙂

      What we are set out to do should not be a burden and we need to make sure we are not burdening others. Yes!!!

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  3. I think everyone said a lot of the things I wanted to say, so instead of being repetitive, I’ll say great post, girl! 😄💙

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  4. I teeter-totter on the line of self-promotion and being full of self. Although I have never asked anyone to “follow my blog” in a comment, I have promoted it through other social media sites. For me personally I struggle with that. But I have learned it is the reasoning behind the promotion that matters. If it is only to indulge a need for acceptance and “likes”, carnality has won. If I can dodge Satan’s arrows filled with greed and focus on what God has called me to do and promote from a self-less heart, then God will take care of the rest. Thanks for the great advice! I am having to fight the urge to sit all day and glean from your posts lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so sweet, Kelly! I think some self promotion to share your blog and let others know what is going on is ok on other social media platforms. As long as it is not stumbling your heart, and you feel God wants you to slow down. Getting word out is ok I think 🙂 but on comments on other bloggers’post, in particular, I feel like it is very clear we have a blog when our name reveals what our blog is called. Bloggers on a blogging platform already know. We dont have to keep putting the pressure on others. Leaving a well thought out comment is the best way to introduce ourselves and our blogs. 🙂

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  5. That’s interesting that these points have convicted you! I think you have done well considering your steady follower growth, for some reason every time I pop a glance at it, it seems to have grown! Well done to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! When God helped me not focus on the numbers that is when it grew. I try to focus on the people, the community and individuals. I see so many new Christian bloggers stay focused on growth and numbers and it easily becomes selfish even if not intended. I hope it opens the eyes of others. 🙂 I’m not perfect by any means and I want to share what He gives me and how He helps me grow.

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  6. Thank you for all the tips that you give. It has helped me to become humble in my blogging. I don’t write for the praise of people but to praise God. When people tell me how good my writing is I can’t take the compliment, it comes from God.
    I’ve recently had a comment from someone about marketing something. It has nothing to do with the post. I agree with you that people shouldn’t comment if it doesn’t relate to a post at all. There are also those whose comments don’t make any sense.
    Your many tips on blogging have really helped me to learn the do’s and don’ts. Every time I post it is a curve ball that I’m learning.
    Thanks again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really glad this has been helpful to you. 🙂 it is a learning curve. Last year, I had someone basically lecture and preach at me in my comments having nothing to do with my posts and that is when God taught me I have control over what my readers see. I have to protect myself from being stumbled and from potentially my readers being stumbled. That helped me find comfort and strength in what to do. I want to teach others by example especially. 🙂 The topic seems to be a hard one sometimes because people arent always sure of what to do. I hope to open it up by discussing these things.


  7. G’day, I have never written a post like this on my blog at http://www.justkidding T.R. Thanks for sharing;-). I like this post because you have raised some good points and I feel like you suggesting we should blog like the world does.

    One area that I am always trying to improve in is not just complimenting people on their blog. I feel like if we like a post then let the person know who wrote it why we like it, they could really benefit from the feedback(whether its positive or your critiquing, which I also think is important).

    Peace to you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it is so important we explain why we like something, or add more to the discussion. I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Haha, you almost had me for your “new” website. I wish you a beautiful new week. God be with you.

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  8. Your comment about ghosting struck me, and I’m going to try to be more careful to not do that. Your mindfulness of others is inspiring, and I appreciate how you’re teaching me to be a considerate blogger.

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    1. I’m so grateful that this post is helping you be mindful of others. It’s so important we look at our actions and how that affects others. I really want to raise awareness and I’m glad this spoke to you 🙂

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      1. You’re right, it’s so important, and something I haven’t thought about much in my life. My husband often helps me tone things down or helps me think about how stuff affects others, so I’m helpful for outside help teaching me something that doesn’t come very naturally to me.

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      2. The power in editing and scheduling. I wrote a post on Women Oppression and how Christian Bloggers might want to think about the topic. I spent about a month editing it because it was a big deal. I would constantly go over it. Edit out any sassiness or when I was getting emotional. Sometimes our emotions come through writing when we write the first time, and it’s helpful to go over when we are not as fueled by those feelings 🙂

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      3. I probably need to wait longer before posting mine, but I usually do them the day of. I try to cram it in when my son takes his nap, and it often leads to me going back and editing the post after publishing. Is your women oppression post on inside cup? I’m curious to read it.

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      4. From what I’ve read of your blog I think you do a wonderful job of covering the posts and being aware of others 🙂

        Yes, it is! Haha, I was wondering if you were curious.

        So there’s two parts technically

        The original post

        and then me being open about what originally inspired the post.

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      5. I’ll check those out! And I thank my husband for any sensitivity I have towards others. He’s kind of like my personal filter and he has been teaching me how to think of others since the day we got married!

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  9. I fully agree with those five dont’s! In the earlier stages of my blogging I would only check in to see how many likes, comments I got and who was the constant bloggers that would support the posts. Than God had to show me that its not about that at all. I was being selfish I’ll say, I can’t find the word I want at the moment lol but yeah. Its about Jesus and not us. This was really a great and thought provoking post. Keep standing up for righteousness and allow the Holy Spirit to continue to work through all your writing in Jesus name! Blessings!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy!!! I’m actually going through catching up on your blog now 🙂 so you should see some comments from me soon. I’m also in the works of writing a post on 5 Things to Focus On Instead Of Stats. 🙂 I know stats can be difficult for a lot of people, maybe your comment verifies it should be written ❤ Praise Jesus for you, Tammy!!

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      1. OH NO! Sorry, the first post I sent you was this past week, but in that post the False Expectation post, that is one I meant to send you! That is the first one of the Single Christian Girl series. Sorry! 🙂

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      2. Not sure. 🙂 I have some I haven’t shared, but not sure when I will. I usually leave those open for posts when I’m not sure what to talk about. Or if a specific dream happened I want to talk about.

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  10. Dear T.R., We, as the body of Christ, are a team, and as thus, we should work together as a team under the headship of Jesus Christ, according to his will and purposes, and in obedience to his commands, and under his guidance and direction. We are each given different gifts and ministries, but we are to work in coordination with one another, as unto God.

    So, if another Christian blogger blogs something that is on the same subject as what God just had us blog about, for example, and the Lord encourages us to share with that blogger what God is teaching us on the same subject, then we must do so in obedience to the Lord.

    And, hopefully that blogger will receive what was shared from us in the manner and the motive in which the thoughts were shared, and that he or she would be glad in the Lord for those additional thoughts that were shared, even if those thoughts came from our own (hopefully the Lord’s) blogs, and because we did so out of obedience to God, and because we were working together as a body (see Ephesians 4 and Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12).

    We should, thus, never consider another blogger’s thoughts, even if shared from their own blogs, as inconsiderate or as competing with our own blogs, nor should we regard their comments as being an attempt to take away from our blogs’ thoughts, nor as trying to put the focus on themselves, instead. Yet, I do agree we should stay with the subject, and we should be thoughtful and kind in how we respond, i.e. we should not be nasty or hateful ever. We should always speak the truth, but in love.

    If our blogs belong to the Lord, we should never consider another blogger’s comments, or even links to their blogs, as “stealing the spotlight” from our own blogs, for we are not the owners of our blogs, and God can take care of his own blogs and make certain that whatever messages he wishes to convey will be conveyed, because he is the one getting the messages out. We are merely his scribes, writing what he teaches us.

    None of us have to feel any pressure to check out other people’s blogs. I think we put that on ourselves if we feel such pressure. Again, if we feel pressured into complying with other people’s wishes, we put that on ourselves. For, if our goal is to please God, and him alone, we should not be concerned with what other bloggers think we should be doing or not doing.

    As far as how often or how many other blogs we read in a week is totally between us and God, I believe. Not everyone has lots of hours in the daytime to read other blogs, and so they read as they can. Not everyone is a fast reader, either. I am a very slow reader, and it takes me a long time just to read one blog. And, then it takes me a while to respond, too, because I try to let the Lord lead in that in saying what he wants me to say.

    What you said at the end is true. We are all going to make mistakes, because we are human. We are not all going to be who others think we ought to be or perform up to their expectations, either, and that is perfectly ok. We are answerable only to God for what we do or don’t do in this life. We don’t know what others are going through, so we have to be careful that we don’t judge the intents of their hearts without knowledge. Maybe someone is not reading a lot of blogs or responding to many because of situations in their own lives which take higher priority.

    So, let’s be careful that we don’t judge others’ actions or their comments or their lack of comments, because we could be dead wrong about their motives or why they do what they do the way they do them.

    Well, as you know, you are not going to get false compliments from me. 🙂 I am going to speak the truth in love always, hopefully, and this was spoken in love, as always, because I care about you, and because I care about the people who are reading what you wrote, too. Love you much! Sue ❤

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    1. I know everything you say come from love. 🙂 and I was concerned about this post because of misunderstanding. The reason I shared these things is not making assumptions about why people might do these things. It is because the world encourages bloggers to make everything about stats, the spotlight, and likewise. And Christian bloggers especially starting out, many people who have a blog with the idea of making money go to these sources and follow the rules for “how to make it big.” It is not meant for me to sound like I’m making assumptions about others, instead warn against worldly ways that many Christian bloggers fall into. Simple as that. 🙂 and I should probably state so in the beginning, maybe that would help. I am asked by a lot of bloggers to continue help for Christian bloggers and I know covering the parts the world encourages need to be discussed. We need to be aware if we are a stumbling block. People may not mean to appear selfish in a certain way, but it is very easy to do so. And we need to talk about it. I’ve discussed some of these points before and Christian bloggers have admitted they have caught themselves doing these things for selfish reasons. The awareness helps us all stay accountable. As a Christian we need to be aware of our actions and how that possibly makes us look as a follower of Christian. Sometimes we do not get second chances to make an impression. When we leave comments focusing on ourselves only inviting people to our Chrsistian blog, it is misleading. And I encourage people to read other bloggers’ post 🙂 but I tried to make it clear I understand because I do. I hope this helps give some clarity.

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      1. I agree that we should not follow the ways of the world, and that we should not follow the advice of those who are all about stats and “likes” and numbers. And, I agree that some bloggers do get caught up in that, and some of that is obvious.

        But, the way you worded what you wrote seemed to go much broader than just that, and I feel perhaps could discourage Christian bloggers from following the leading of the Holy Spirit in what they do as bloggers, and in how they respond to other people’s posts. So, maybe it would be good if you could reword some of it or if you could add a paragraph clarifying your intention.

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      2. This a revision and addition to the top of the post.

        -I know people enjoy help as a Christian blogger. Hearing things we struggle with is not always easy to hear. The world encourages us as bloggers to be focused often on the wrong things and Christian bloggers follow advice that is not Christlike.

        That being said, this post had a few revisions before it was published and still now. I’m not trying to make any assumptions about Christian bloggers in general. I’m sharing from experience and what other Christian bloggers have shared and admitted. We always can grow. 🙂


  11. I know I’ve dropped links to my blog in comments before, usually because their post reminded me of something I had written. I didn’t think at the time that it might bother them. I don’t do it just to get readers, though.
    What bothers me is when someone likes 15 of my posts in the space of one minute. Once I got, like, 30 notification emails in the space of just a few minutes from a blogger who was going through and liking posts and comments, mine and commenters, and that blogger only left one comment that had nothing to do with the post. To me, these practices are deceptive.
    When I get a like from a new blogger, I check to see whether their content is edifying for me and if so, I check out their blog. But if they show a pattern of periodically liking several posts in the space of a minute and never leaving a meaningful comment, that makes me not trust them. There’s no way they could have read all that content in such a short time.

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    1. Agreed! And I fully support leaving links at the bottom of a comment if it relates to the material 🙂 it shows we pay attention to their post. I once got about 6 comments from the same person just telling me to go to her blog. I dont usually respond but I finally did and explained to her why I domt respond to comments that do not reflect my post. She thanked me and said she would consider. A few days later she repeated the same thing, then telling me to follow her. Those are the kind of link comments I’m talking about.

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  12. Once again T.R. You’ve hit on a topic that I used to struggle with a lot when I was just starting to blog.

    One of the main struggles for me when I was just starting was comments, likes, and all the things associated with it but I’ve learned that even if the post impacts one person’s life in some way; that’s all that matters.

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  13. We write to the glory of God, whether it’s our comments on other posts or blog content on our site. Writing for the Christian should always be about His glory. That’s my main struggle, I don’t mind if someone wants to tap dance in my comments, while doing jazz hands, saying “Come check out MY blog!” I trust that most readers are savvy and can see through those motives. My problem is I am sinful and want the praise that belongs to God alone.

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